PAYPERBLOCK a Freelancer Platform for Blockchain

PAYPERBLOCK is a blockchain-based freelancer platform for blockchain experts, which is owned and operated by Payperblock Ltd and is used to connect professionals and jobs. The primary customer pool for the company includes freelancers who are blockchain experts and organizations.

The freelancer-base for the Payperblock includes blockchain experts who are skilled and active across different field of business and a variety of industries such as contract developers, software engineer, website developers, 3D mockup artists, writers, digital marketing personnel and remote assistants. The business will start from Finland and will later expand to other countries as the business model allows expansion to  global business market.

Payperblock operates on the same functionality principles as the popular cryptocurrency Ethereum. Instead of relying on a centralized authority system, Payperblock employs a distributed network of token holders (ICO investors) in the company 


The business model of Payperblock is based on the Payb blockchain for communication and transfer of all transactions. In addition to the blockchain method of operations, the whole organizational structure is intentionally kept distributed to ensure that both clients and freelancers get fair treatment. The unique and superior business model of Payperblock is very robust and is very likely to gain attention and trust of both clients and freelancers due to its USPs that are unmatched in the whole freelancing industry.


We are launching an initial coin offering (ICO) to issue PayPerBlock tokens on the public blockchain. The token is called PAYB and it will be issued during the pre-ICO and ICO. The ICO will be conducted on website only.

The total supply of the token is 10billion. Our referral program enables both you and your affiliate to receive 5% in PAYB tokens of every ICO purchase made.

To obtain funds to put the business plan of Payperblock in action, the ICO process will be used. In this approach, tokens will be distributed as a way of providing people a stake in the organization. A grand total of 10 billion Payperblock tokens will be minted for the freelancing platform business operations.

Out of all the tokens minted, 45% will be made available to general public for purchase, 25% of the tokens will be reserved for the task of future development of cold storage, 15% for the development team and project advisors, and the remaining 15% for the bounty program and bonus provisions on the Payperblock platform.

Currencies that will be accepted on the Payperblock platform and for the purchase of Payperblock tokens include ETH, BTC, and LTC. The exchange rates for Payperblock tokens will be determined a day before the ICO begins.

SoftCap: 1 million Dollars
HardCap: 5 million Dollars

– 10% Bonus
– Bonus Lock-up time: 3-6 months

– Week One 5%
– Week Two 3%
– Week Three 2%
– Bonus Lock-up time: 2-3 months


At Payperblock, we understand the need for the responsible and well-planned spending of company
funds to make the business sustainable and profitable to the highest degree. For the money raised using the ICO funding process, funds allocation plan is devised with utmost care to keep the funds realistic based on existing trends in the industry and to put emphasis on the most critical aspects of the business.

The following chart shows the estimated allocation of all company ICO funds across different operations and business departments.


Detail Information 

Author Kaytaro 

My ETH : 0x60e7C99D8Dd8C5D915AFcb9889145a44614f79f1


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