YAMZU on the Blockchain

Today I will tell you about a very interesting project.Yamzu is designed as a full-featured, browser-based eSports tournament. Platform Yamzu allows to hold competitions in eSports to any player anywhere on Earth.

The platform is one of a kind, completely browser-based. Competing companies are faced with constant problems of users ' privacy. Meanwhile, internal user research shows that the browser platform really shows more growth and potential. These factors give confidence, especially given that Yamzu has a user base (10,000) and an irrefutable track record of 300% annual growth in just two years of activity

The platform is designed for the following:
  1. Players and teams fight for prizes and rewards.
  2. Brands, influencers and organizations that want to create tournaments.
  3. Advertisers and sponsors, focused on the eSports audience.

Yamzu currently supports CS: GO and LoL, two of the most popular eSports games in the world. The platform is ready to integrate many more popular games such as DOTA2, Call of Duty, Battlefield and PUBG.General information

Commercial model

The Yamz; The eSpor platform is available for online games that are run in a web browser. There are games of League of Legends and Counter Strike for the shuan on the platform, the plan to expand the number of compatible games is included in the roadmap. The segments that the platform points to; ESpor players and their teams and sponsors. Both sponsors and players can organize tournaments. The BlockZincir infrastructure is used for the determination, implementation and all payment transactions of the tournament rules. YAMZU's main source of income is the service costs and the sponsored tournaments it receives in the tournament budget. Membership of Platforma is completely free for both sponsors and players.

Create tournament

eSpor players can create tournaments between the teams themselves or a sponsor or the YAMZU platform. While the tournament is being made; The rules are determined by an easy-to-use and user-friendly interface, in particular the tournament participation bonus, tournament prices, participant conditions, individual tournaments or team tournaments. In the back plane these rules are transferred to an intelligent contract in which no player, sponsor or even the platform itself can step out of the rules and absolute trust is guaranteed.


Token: YMZ
Platform: Ethereum
Standard: ERC20
Quantity: 269,230,770 YMZ
Price: 1 YMZ = 0,1 EUR
Soft cap: 3,000,000 EUR
Hard cap: 13,000,000 EUR
Quantity: 71,500,000 YMZ
Beginning: 25.07.2018
Completion: 25.08.2018


Ian Scarffe
Ian scarf, blockchain and cryptography Advisor, Ian is a serial entrepreneur, investor and consultant with experience from around the world. Being a presenter .Road map. Q1 2016
Yamzu Constitution the first closed beta of Yamzu is launched for League of Legends. Yamzu begins to earn revenue.
Q4 2016
Yamzu completes its first operational year with incomes above the 800 thousand SEK.
Q1 2017
Yamzu launches CS: GO in a "closed beta".
Q2 2017
CS: GO is launched in the "open beta" with League of Legends.
Q4 2017
Engine Yamzu ready to support mobile games. We are celebrating the second year and the best platform from the point of view of income. The platform produced more Than SEK 2.7 million for approximately 300% of the revenue growth generated in 2016.
Q3 2018
Token sale
Q4 2018
Full implementation of YMZ tokens into the platform. Yamzu opens the platform to sponsors, influencers and partners. The launch of the product line Yamzu for gamers. YMZ will be quoted on trading platforms. Implementation of internal exchange.
Q1 2019
The first mobile eSports games will be implemented on the platform. More PC eSports titles will be available, including DOTA 2, PUBG, Call of Duty, and Battlefield.
Q2 2019
Yamzu will host its first global eSports events.
Q4 2019
By this point, Yamzu will have over 20 eSports titles available on its platform, from AAA to indie games.
Q2 2020
Yamzu will hold annual eSports Championships for our top ten countries with the most users.

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